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Featuring Nichiha

I am thrilled to announce Nichiha USA as the latest manufacturer to become a partner of theEnclosure.

From the beginning of this build, I wanted some form of feature walls at the front of  dwelling to provide architectural interest. It was still however critical that the chosen product/system would represented best practices from a building science and durability point of view.

Nichiha Architectural panels met all of these goals.

The interlock design of the panels ensure a continuous water shedding surface and easy site installation. They even have a  3/8″ rain-screen built-in to their product mounting system, providing for a drainage plane and capillary break (I will add this on top of the 3/4″ capillary break I already have).

Panels are shingled to shed water and provide for easy installation

The thickness of the panels provide the look of quality and will prevent bowing and cracking that often happens with their thinner competitors.

A full range of flashing profiles are available to cap and trim the architectural panels. All exposed trim are capable of being colour matched to the selected panel.

Not only are there a multitude of styles/textures/colours, but now many are available in any Benjamin Moore custom colour allowing an exact match to the goals of any architectural design.   It was this fact that finally cinched Nichiha as our supplier of choice for our dwelling’s feature walls.  We wanted something to offset the rich colour of the Coulson Engineered Cedar siding we have installed on the rest of the dwelling and was not finding this in the available stock panel colours.  In the end, we chose the TuffBlock Nichiha panel that we will then be factory painted with Benjamin Moore’s Dakota Woods Green 2139-20.

Yellow square indicates chosen colour after testing
Artist Rendering of Finished Look (I make a poor artists!)

We are currently arranging a proof of the custom Benjamin Moore colour and will then order the materials.  Installation will be weather dependent.  Because of the time of year, I may wait till early spring to install  – while I do not want to get the exterior ROCKWOOL COMFORTBOARD™ 80 wet, it is more about me not wanting to work outside in miserable weather as I have done too many years of this already on this build!  :-).

I want to thank Kenny Collins and Tim Seims at Nichiha USA for their support of this project and becoming a partner.  I also want to thank Matthew Raes of ILA Marketing Group Inc (Local Representative) for answering my many questions over the last couple of years as we contemplated using this product, and going forward for the effort to coordinate my order.

I will provide additional posts and installation videos once the product is on site.

As always, thanks for visiting!

“Persistence can change failure into extraordinary achievement.” —Matt Biondi (born 1965) Olympic Medalist, Professional Swimmer

“You never know what’s around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you’ve climbed a mountain.” —Tom Hiddleston (born 1981) Actor

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