I have been making some reasonable progress on the Mineral Wool Cap for this dwelling. The roof assembly contains 18″ of ROCKWOOL COMFORTBATT® for an effective R63. By the end of this week I will have the north half of the roof assembly completely insulated.
The assembly of insulation is made up of two layers of 5.5″ R22 and two layers of 3.4″ R14 (for a nominal R72 which results in an effective R63.4 when taking into account the framing losses). Like the exterior wall insulation, all linear seams are staggered. As promissed, I also filled in all the triangular holes of the truss with the 1.5″ ROCKWOOL COMFORTBOARD™ 80 material.
In addition to the roof insulation, I took a week off from the site during the coldest weather to work on the hydronic heating/cooling panel design. I found my plan to work on this in the evenings after getting back from site was never coming to fruition. So I was able to concentrate on this upcoming important task and made a lot of progress on the design spreadsheet.
Well – that is it for now. Thanks for visiting!
“Be brave. Take risks. Nothing can substitute experience.” —Paulo Coelho (born 1947) Poet, Writer
“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all what the world needs most are dreamers that do.” —Sarah Ban Breathnach, Writer